RDPower s.r.l. is a small enterprise recently founded by a group of young researchers with a brilliant university background, consolidated by almost ten years work in industrial and academic European and Italian institutions.
Based on their common intent aiming at exploiting at the best the rather short but intensive experience, and joined by an enthusiastic spirit wishing at growing competencies and finalizing the work towards chemistry applications and energy and environmental R&D activities, they founded RDPower.
The RDPwer was born in 2011, with the help of a financial support assigned by Regione Umbria - Italy to new enterprises bringing innovative ideas. The company is located nearby the “Enterprise Incubator” in Terni – Italy, on the basis of a permit received from Sviluppumbria s.p.a, the Umbria regional institution in charge for the economical development of the area.
In the 2012 the RDPower gets funds participating to the program iStart of the Umbria Innovazione agency with a project on Supercritical Water Oxydation, co-funded by 3 SME of Umbria.
In 2013 the RDPower gets the status of “Innovative StartUp” in accordance with the recent Italian legislative decree called “Decreto Sviluppo 2.0 (Law n. 221/2012), and result enrolled in the special section of the Terni Commerce Chamber for the Innovative StartUp.
In 2013 the RDPower gets funds from the Umbria - Italy from a special financial support program aimed at supporting Innovative StartUp with a research project for novel processes for producing Biomethane.
In 2013 the RDPower obtain a contract from ENEA (National Agency for Alternatives Energy) for a research project for an innovative process for Biogas refining to Biomethane based on Gas Hydrates formation.
In 2013 the RDPower gets funds participating to the program iStart of the Umbria Innovazione agency with a project on Supercritical Water Oxydation applied to special toxic waste, co-funded by 2 SME of Umbria.
In 2013 the RDPower gets funds participating to the program iStart of the Umbria Innovazione agency with a project on Energy Harvesting from woody biomasses, co-funded by 2 SME of Umbria.
In 2013 the RDPower participate to the TV program “Geo Science” of the Italian public broadcast Rai3 with a practical and scientific contribute on natural occurrence of Natural Gas Hydrates.
In 2013 the RDPower gets the interest of the ENI (National Hydrocarbon Agency) the Italian Energy Company for a research project on Gas Well Deliquification for the Enhanced Gas Recovery activity.