Industrial R & D
RDPower offers R & D services to any industrial company, particularly to SME whishing to innovate their technological and management status. The company operates in the following R&D sectors:
Processes and Products Development and Technology Transfer in subjects such as:
- Renewable Energy,
- Green Chemistry,
- Supramolecular Chemistry,
- Clean Technologies,
- Material Recovery and Regeneration,
- Energy from Waste,
- Waste and Wastewater Treatment,
- Advanced Measurements Systems,
- Nanostructures, Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies.
Scientific and Technological Consulting
RDPower owns all the expertise needed to assure any consultancies in the following main areas:
- Renewable Energy,
- Processes for Materials Regeneration and Recycling,
- Anomalous Corrosion Phenomena
- New Materials,
- Nanotechnologies,
- High Pressure Processes,
- Chemistry and Green Chemistry,
- Intellectual Properties,
- Patent Analysis,
- Technological Monitoring,
- Economic and Market Analysis,
- Energy and Environmental Analysis, particularly Life Cycle Analysis.